Eric the Half a Bee
18 years ago
FYI: There is now a new Usenet group specifically for Irish TV
shows, the rather aptly named ALT.BINARIES.TV.IRISH.
Currently, it is fully active on Usenetserver and in the process of
being added on Easynews. Can I politely suggest that if anyone else
out these is interested, they should contact their own Usenet provider
and request that it be added to their own servers. This should
increase support of the group and increase propagation.
The objective of this message is to create a new group for the posting
of Irish television programmes.
Usenet postings to generic TV groups are dominated by the high density
of US television material and Ireland lacks a location where posts can
reflect its individual culture.
The group will cater for TV programmes with an Irish origin. All
programmes must be produced either in Eire or Northern Ireland,
exclusively for one of those states or be a co-production in
conjunction with a local television company i.e. RTE or BBC Northern
Ireland. Both English and Gaelic language programmes will be on topic.
Programmes not meeting the above limitations i.e. shows aimed at the
Irish diaspora in America or those simply starring Irish actors will
be deemed off-topic.
shows, the rather aptly named ALT.BINARIES.TV.IRISH.
Currently, it is fully active on Usenetserver and in the process of
being added on Easynews. Can I politely suggest that if anyone else
out these is interested, they should contact their own Usenet provider
and request that it be added to their own servers. This should
increase support of the group and increase propagation.
The objective of this message is to create a new group for the posting
of Irish television programmes.
Usenet postings to generic TV groups are dominated by the high density
of US television material and Ireland lacks a location where posts can
reflect its individual culture.
The group will cater for TV programmes with an Irish origin. All
programmes must be produced either in Eire or Northern Ireland,
exclusively for one of those states or be a co-production in
conjunction with a local television company i.e. RTE or BBC Northern
Ireland. Both English and Gaelic language programmes will be on topic.
Programmes not meeting the above limitations i.e. shows aimed at the
Irish diaspora in America or those simply starring Irish actors will
be deemed off-topic.